FullSoul at a glance
FullSoul is a not-for-profit equipping hospitals in Uganda with medical supplies.
FullSoul protects the health and safety of mothers, babies, and medical practitioners during childbirth. In many parts of the developing world, including Uganda, having a baby is a dangerous process. Every two minutes a woman dies from pregnancy or childbirth complications. The reasons for this are complex, and multifaceted, but one pressing issue is that many hospitals often lack even the most basic medical supplies.
When supplies are scarce, the responsibility is placed on expectant mothers and their families. In Uganda, women must arrive to the hospital with their own supplies, including gloves, a sterile blade, a clean plastic sheet, and other items. Women arriving empty-handed have to pay for supplies or are often turned away. A shortage of supplies also means that disposable items get re-used between mothers, potentially spreading dangerous infections.
Our Team
Christina Hassan
Public Health Specialist, Co-FounderChristina Hassan is a Public Health Specialist, Rotarian and Social Entrepreneur. Having worked in maternal health in Uganda, she experienced some of the realities women and children face during deliveries. Each day, yelling Sindica (push) in the delivery room, she found herself pushing harder to find a way to help. She co-founded FullSoul Canada to work on ensuring all women have access to quality maternal health care.
“Sindica” forward — every journey begins with a single push.

Hyder Hassan
Business Strategist, Co-FounderHyder Hassan is a passionate Wealth Management Specialist for the Prairies Region at Canadian Western Bank Wealth Management. Hyder is heavily involved in the community and believes in giving back via Rotary Club of Calgary Fish Creek, Junior Achievement Investment Strategies Program.
Never undersell your soulful value

Jess (Namubiru) Huston
Social Media ManagerJess is passionate about being able to advocate in solidarity with others; she loves learning from and working with people that are also passionate- about anything! A recent grad of the Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies program at UWaterloo, Jess is particularly drawn to causes and issues surrounding social justice and anti-oppression, HIV reduction and support, and mental health.
“Never underestimate the ability of a small group of dedicated people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”- Margaret Mead

Kamil Hussain
Finance ManagerKamil holds a Bachelor or Management degree accompanied with a CPA,CMA designation. While working at a utility construction company, Kamil is pursuing his Chartered Business Valuator (CBV) designation. Kamil is eager to bring his finance expertise from the corporate world to help enhance the effectiveness of FullSoul’s initiatives.
Be the change you want to see in the world — Gandhi

Elisabeth Huang
Human Resources and Special Project SpecialistPrior to her current role, Elisabeth was the former Art for the Soul Event Manager for FullSoul Canada. She looks forward to working with a group of compassionate and dedicated individuals to improve maternal and child health.
Love, serve, and give with a full soul

Alin Herciu-Ivascu
Public Health Project SpecialistAlin work towards improving youth and global health. He approaches health issues using a population health and prevention paradigm and is also a strong believer of health equity.
When you close your heart you close your mind.

Eric Liu
IT DirectorEric has a diverse work experience in Regional Muncipality of Wood Buffalo, Island Saving Credit Union and business software companies. He's currently engage in development and support of an ERP system for an Alberta company. He is inspire to work with people that wishes to make a difference in quality maternal health care. Eric manages the technical infrastructure to enable FoulSoul to achieve its business goals.
Right cause attracts the right people that can spark the flame.

Saqib Khan
Brand, Marketing & Communications SpecialistSaqib brings a wealth of Marketing and Communications knowledge from more than 9 years of industry experience. He has joined FullSoul to help push the company's cause even further to bigger audiences. Saqib is passionate about helping people in any way he can and hopes to make FullSoul a globally recognized brand.
"If you are not making someone else's life better, then you are wasting your time” - Will Smith

Chandni Patel
Project ManagerChandni is currently completing her Master of Health Evaluation at the University of Waterloo, while also contributing to the ever-growing clinical research field at Hamilton General Hospital. She is a public health enthusiast and optimistic about improving healthcare systems and care delivery across the globe.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

Manal Ramsis
Project ManagerManal holds a Master of Business Administration degree with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. She spent he career developing and later managing software projects. She always had a passion for Technology and is in continuous search for ways to improve human life in different aspects specially when using technology. She loves to travel and hopes to gain a lot of work and volunteer experience through FullSoul.
Manal speaks English, German and Arabic in addition to understanding basic French.
Treat others as you want to be treated.